For apply DLT permits / Foreign Vehicle Permits (FVP) registration
Please you see below for what DLT require below :
All car driver or motorcyclist personal data include address , email and telephone number is required as well.
Why this information is required ? >>> Because of system of registration required to have it.
Each vehicle must provide the passengers/pillions for each vehicle (if any) , passport of passengers/pillion are required. This is not require for DLT permits but require for Immigration clearance forms.
As for travelers,
1. Photocopy of passport with no less than 180 days of validity (and photocopy of a passport page with entry visa unless the travelers come from one of the visa exempt countries)
2. Photocopy of driving license with no less than 6 months of validity
3. Photocopy of vehicle registration certificate (and proof of ownership if not included) plus annual vehicle tax payment pages (if any)
4. Photocopy of vehicle inspection certificate
5. Letter of Consent (if the owner of the vehicle is no driver/rider and not part of the trip) (Passport or ID card of owner is required)
6. Pictures of vehicle in colour (Body type and license plate of the vehicle must be visible)
7. Photocopy of compulsory motor vehicle insurance schedule >>> This is issued from Thai Insurance company. We will arrange it for you.
8. Photocopy of third party liability insurance schedule. Minimum coverages are as follow; >>> This is issued from Thai Insurance company. We will arrange it for you.
a. 1,000,000 THB of loss of life, bodily injury or damage to health, per person in an accident.
b. 1,000,000 THB of property damage liability per accident.
9. Itinerary : Full itinerary (including stops visit) from Day 1 until Last Day of the trip in Thailand. The itinerary must indicate every province name which vehicle will pass even not make any visits stop. Detail must contain all city which vehicle will be driven/ride through.
10. Letter stating necessity of using foreign registered vehicle in Thailand, signed by traveler or signed and stamped by foreign travel agency cooperating with Thai Travel agency
11. Engine number , Engine Capacity , VIN number and Gross Weight (kg) of each vehicle
12. Address of the driver/motorcyclist : Street Address , City , Zip Code
13. Telephone number of each driver/motorcyclist
14. City name of vehicle registration
Non-English document must be accompanied by certified Thai or English translation by a competent authority.
Condition for using foreign-registered vehicle in Thailand
Travel agency must assign a reasonable number of tour guides or escorts to assist and lead traveler throughout their journey in Thailand. The guidelines are as follow;
1. 1-5 vehicles: At least one tour guide/escort with one Thai-registered escorting vehicle.
2. 6-15 vehicles: At least 2 tour guides/escorts and 2 escorting vehicles
3. More than 15 vehicles: At least 3 tour guides/escorts and 3 escorting vehicles
Tour guides or escorts must be Thai nationals while at least one escorting vehicle must be Thai-registered. In the case of more than one escorting vehicle, tour guides/escorts may aboard foreign-registered vehicle which travels with the group. Travel agency will have to declare the list of tour guides/escorts along with respective vehicle that each one aboard. However, escorting vehicle can be required from DLT office to be all Thai nationals registered.
About Driving License
There is only International Driving Permit of 1949 and 1968 convention is acceptable, as per follow Convention on International Road Traffic of 19 September 1949 (United Nation) and 9 November 1968
International Driving Permit in different year is not acceptable. There must be doing Thai Temporary Driving license which will do at the nearest Land Transport office of entry border. And need to admit Medical Check Up at Thai hospital to get certificate to make driving license.
Procedure : Document Clearance at border > Hospital Check-up (takes about 1.5 hours) > Land Transport office (takes about 2 hours) , not include traveling time from check point to hospital and to Land Transport office .
If foreign motorcyclist and driver (except from10 ASEAN countries) have no International Driving Permit of year 1949 convention and year 1968 convention , everyone need to do Thai driving license.
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